Contributed by: Jake Uy Sebastian The snowy South Korean capital welcomed delegates of the Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive

POIS 1st Interhospital Quiz Bee
The Philippine Ocular Inflammation Society (POIS) brought the house down on August 31, 2024, with the first-ever nationwide Interhospital Uveitis Quiz Bee! Held at the Benavides Cancer Institute Auditorium,

The Philippine Glaucoma Society and 25 years of Preserving the Gift of Sight The Philippine Glaucoma Society celebrated its 25 th year anniversary with asymposium on the first day of the Annual PAO

The VRSP Mulat Mata Project: Saving Filipinos from Diabetic Retinopathy Blindness
Written by: Glenn Alog, MD Every 14th of November, World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated to increase public awareness regarding diabetes and its complications. This year’s theme continues from 2021’s

NOSP 2022 News Bits #1
The Neuro-Ophthalmology Society of the Philippines (NOSP) successfully held the 1st Virtual NOSP Interhospital Grand Rounds last March 25, 2022. Ophthalmology trainees from 11 institutions participated

The PSCRS takes the first LEAP
Diverting from the usual presentations on Cataract Surgery, the PSCRS began the PAO LEAP with a session on Phakic IOL Implantation. The procedure is a feasible alternative to Refractive Laser Surgery

Philippine Ocular Inflammation Society 2022
The Philippine Ocular Inflammation Society (POIS) has been a steadfast subspecialty society under the auspices of the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO). Since its